Blogging Again!

Hi out there, it has been months since posting on the fashion side of my blog and I think I owe you an explanation. Whilst my pictures earlier in the year showed the happy go lucky side of my life; life behind social media had become so complex the only way to deal with the situation was to have some serious time out. Which is what I did, I needed to re-evaluate what I thought was really important to me which meant taking a look at my job (was I happy?) people I spent a lot of my downtime with and my hobbies fashion and photography which I had to put hold. Do not get me wrong I still managed the odd shopping spree here and there…. Ok weekly lol, but it was therapy for me!

During my time away from social media and after much soul searching, I created a list of all the things I wanted to change in my life, (you know like a pros and cons list), besides that list was another list of the steps I needed to take to accomplish each task (not rocket science really was it!) but with no end dates as some tasks required more time than others; and so the process begun. It has taken months, but I have slowly begun ticking of one task after another. I find myself wishing I had done this a long time ago. I feel as though a load has literally been lifted of my shoulders.

I guess what I am trying to say is take some time out for yourself occasionally, remember you only get one chance at life and there is no dress rehearsal, which is why it is so important to live your life to the fullest while you can and do not go through life looking through the rear-view mirror. Remember do not question past decisions as you cannot change the past you can only learn from them.

But hey, thanks to my family and friends who continuously encourage and support me I was able to get through it all and am now rearing to go again…. I have so much to share with you in the coming weeks and months that I have purchased and yet to purchase, so don’t forget to drop by and check out my blog posts.

How have you dealt with past decisions, do you ever look back and say what if?

As always until next time……Happy Shopping!